Collagen Bed Ukubukeka Patent
Umbiko Wokuhlola we-EMF
Ukugunyazwa Komenzeli Okhethekile waseJalimane COSMEDICO e-China
Isitifiketi se-FDA
Isitifiketi somkhiqizo we-high tech
Isitifiketi Se-CE Sombhede Ovundlile
Isitifiketi Se-CE Sombhede Wokushuka Ovundlile-EMC
Isitifiketi se-LVD Sombhede Ovundlile
Isitifiketi Se-RoHS Sombhede Ovundlile
Isitifiketi Sekhwalithi Ye-ISO9001
Umshini Wobuhle Oqamba Amanga (W4) Ilungelo Lobunikazi Lokubukeka
Umbiko Wokuhlolwa Kwekhwalithi Yekhabethe Lobuhle Lezempilo kaMary Queen
Isitifiketi se-PSE se-Merican Collagen Bed
UPhilips Gunyaza
Isitifiketi somkhiqizo
Isitifiketi se-SGS
Umbiko Wokuhlola Ikhwalithi Ye-Solarium
I-Utility Model Patent Yekhabethe Lobuhle Elivundlile
Isitifiketi se-TUV
Isitifiketi selungelo lobunikazi esime mpo (F10).
I-Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine yinhlangano yezemfundo kazwelonke eyasungulwa ngo-1983 ngemvume yoMnyango Wezempilo futhi ibhaliswe ku-Ministry of Civil Affairs.Yajoyina i-China Association for Science and Technology ngo-1987, i-International Association of Rehabilitation Medicine ngonyaka ofanayo, kanye ne-International Society of Physical Medicine kanye ne-Rehabilitation Medicine ngo-2001. Lesi sikhungo sisesibhedlela sase-China-Japan Friendship e-Beijing.